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Sand audit and river mapping of Achenkovil River was a government funded projectundertaken by the department of civil engineering, MCET. The project was guided and directed by thenational centre for earth science studies(NCESS)’. The assigned work includes the measurement of quantity of

mineable sand in the Achenkovil river bed.Thegovernment has decided to assign aregional technical body, Engg. Colleges etc to collect the data. The stretch of Achenkovilriver which serves the Pathanamthitta district is assigned to CE dept: of  Musaliar college of engineeringand technology. The chairman of the MCET signed a MOU with the district collector toaccomplish the work in time.To bring about the work ,HoD proposed a team of faculties, staff members and students forthe field works and data compilation. The first stage started in February 2012 and thedocumentation work was completed in August 2013.Inspite of the tight and tedious schedule our team succeeds in the mission. The data collectedwere compiled effectively and a detailed report was prepared. The report was published byMr. Pranab Jyothinath IAS, District collector, Pathanamthitta in the auspicious functionconducted on September 9 th of 2013 named CARRERA’13 at College Auditorium. TheReport was handed over by our chairman Mr. P I Sherief Muhammed to Adv. AdoorPrakash,Hon’ble Minister of Revenue.