2025-26 Admission started. Contact : 9188755409, 9188754399

Electrical & Electronics Lab

  1. Circuits & Measurements Lab

The lab aims at imparting practical knowledge of the students to familiarize and practice various measuring instruments and different transducers for measurement of physical parameters. Students will also be introduced to a team working environment where they develop the necessary skills for planning, preparing and implementing basic instrumentation systems. 

2.Power Electronics Lab

The lab aims at imparting practical knowledge of Power Electronics to the students at various levels i.e. DEPM, B. Tech and M. Tech. It is accordingly well equipped with equipment’s and trainer kits to teach practical from fundamentals to high level concepts to the students

3.Computer Programming Lab

The lab aims at imparting practical knowledge of MatLab programming and SimuLink programming of control systems and power systems labs.

4.Electronic Circuits Lab

To provide engineering skills by way of breadboard circuit design with electronic devices and components.

5.Electrical Machines Lab

The Electrical Machines Laboratory has various electrical machines such as single phase transformers, DC Generators, DC motors, 3-phase induction motors and 3-phase Alternator. Students will do experiments on both static and rotating electrical machines,so, that they gain practical knowledge on speed control of various rotating motors and voltage control of transformers and alternators etc. The laboratory equipment can also be used for doing project works related to electrical machines and energy conversion. This lab experience will help the students for selection of motors and their application in various industries.

6.Electrical Workshop

Electrical engineering’s foundational ideas are covered in this domain. This lab is meant to help first-year students get a foundational understanding of electrical engineering.


Mr. Pramod P.

  • Instructor
  • Diploma in Maintenance Engg.
  • Experience: 18 Years

Ms. Sulatha O.

  • Instructor
  • Diploma in Electrical Engineering
  • Experience: 29 Years

The department has to its credit corporate training programs, industrial consultancy, and funded projects from government bodies. These connections served to benefit students in the form of good placements, well-equipped laboratories and industrial exposure. The participation of industries in curriculum designing has helped the department to keep pace with fast-changing industrial needs. The department also benefits from the visiting professor programs of AICTE through which highly experienced senior executives deliver lectures to staff and students.

A production centre consisting of Stallion made CNC machine is functioning in the department to train the students and to undertake contract works from industries and public sector organisations like ISRO, KAMCO etc.

The R&D work of developing and testing ‘COIR REINFORECD ALUMINIUM LAMINATE EPOXY’ was supported by the ‘Central Coir Research InstituteDefence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO), and Material testing division of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)