2025-26 Admission started. Contact : 9188755409, 9188754399





M.Tech (Machine Design)

Yr. of Experience



MTech/ME–M.Tech (Machine Design)

BTech/BE – B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering)

Specialisation: Machine Design


Area of Interest (Research/Teaching): Machine Design, Theory of Machines


Subjects Handled/Handling:

Machine Design, Mechanics of Machinery, Dynamics of Machinery, Advanced Mechanics of Solids, Professional Ethics, Advanced Energy Engineering, Industrial Safety Engineering, Principles of Management, Project Management, Nanotechnology.


Professional body membership: ASME



“EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS ON ALUMINUM ALLOY (6063) WITH SILICON CARBIDE: AN EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION”, {International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)}, (Volume: 06 Issue: 10 | Oct 2019)


Training / Workshop

Industrial Training at HLL Lifecare Limited

M.Tech Project work at FACT

FDP on Recent Trends in Renewable Energy Systems

FDP on Computational Fluid Dynamics

FDP on ‘Outcome Based Education’

FDP on ‘Design of Experiments and Recent Developments in Optimization Techniques’

FDP on ‘Ethical Practices in Engineering’

FDP on ‘Futuristic Research Areas in Mechanical Engineering’

FDP on ‘Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology’

FDP on ‘Recent Trends in Product Development’

FDP on ‘Advanced NDT Techniques for Industrial Inspection’

One-week AICTE sponsored (AQIS) Short Term Training Programme on Outcome based education for technical Institutions – Phase III – Outcome based Education and Accreditation

FDP on ‘Additive Manufacturing’

FDP on ‘Advanced Engineering Materials and Characterization Techniques’

FDP on “Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering using Machine Learning”

FDP on ‘Nanofluidics: Theory, Experimentation, Computation and Applications’

FDP on ‘3D Printing & Additive Manufacturing’

Faculty Autodesk Certificate training on “Introduction to Fusion 360” organized by Association of Mechanical Engineering, MCET