2025-26 Admission started. Contact : 9188755409, 9188754399





PhD in Computer Science , MBA in Finance

Yr. of Experience


Workshops and Seminars Attended:


  1. Workshop on Cisco Certified Network Associate.
  2. International Conference on Emerging Technological Trends Conducted by Baselios Mathews II College of Engineering on 2011 & 2012.
  3. Attended and presented a paper titled ‘Recognizing Character using Bayesian Network in Data Mining’ at the National Level Conference Conducted by Christ Knowledge City in 2013.
  4. One-day Seminar on the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) by Dr. Brahateeswaran on April – 2015.
  5. Faculty Development program conducted by Baselios Mathews II College of Engineering on 2010,2011 & 2012.
  6. Workshop on Android Programming.
  7. Attended and presented a paper titled “Content Based Effective Searching of Images from Large Data Repository” at the National Conference on “Recent Advances In ComputingNCRAC’16” Conducted by Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology in March2016.
  8. Participated and completed AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy online FDP on “Data Science” at Hindustan College of Engineering and Technology.
  9. Participated in the Webinar “Industrial IOT using Raspberry pi” hosted by NoviTech Ernakulam.
  10. Participated in the Webinar “Computer Vision Technology using Python” hosted by NoviTech Ernakulam.
  11. Participated in the Webinar “Deep Learning” hosted by NoviTech Ernakulam.
  12. Participated in the Webinar “Machine Learning with IOT” hosted by NoviTech Ernakulam.
  13. Participated in the Webinar “Electric Vehicle – Value & World Beating Efficiency” organized by the Dept of Mechanical Engineering, BMCE in association with CADD Centre Kollam. 06.06.2020
  14. Participated in the Webinar “ The Natural Steps towards Sustainability” organized by Dept of Mechanical Engineering, BMCE on 26.05.2020
  15. Participated in the Webinar “Innovations and Patents” organized by Dept of Electronics and Communication Engineering, BMCE on
  16. Participated in the Webinar “Artificial Neural Networks” organized by Dept of Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, BMCE on
  17. Participated in the Webinar “Opportunities for Engineers and Expectations from Industry” organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of BMCE on 16-05-2020
  18. Participated in the Webinar “Characteristics of an Excellent Teacher in Today’s Context” organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of BMCE on 21-05-2020.
  19. Participated in the Webinar “Data Analysis and Classification of Covid-19 Data Set using Support Vector Machine” Organized by the CSE department of BMCE on 18-05-2020.
  20. Participated in the Webinar “Role of Bioinformatics after Covid-19” Organized by CSE department of BMCE on 21-05-2020.
  21. Participated in the Webinar “Open-Source Intelligence for Forensics” Organized by the CSE department of BMCE on 25-05-2020.
  22. Conducted and Participated in the Webinar “Unveiling Mystery of Memory Allocation in C via pointers, union & files”, Organized by the CSE department of BMCE on 28-05-2020.
  23. Attending the Webinar “Preparing for Online Teaching” Presented by Dr. Muralee Thummarakudy Operations Manager, Crisis Management Branch, United Nations Environment Programme May 21, 2020 – Duration 90 Minutes
  24. Attending the Webinar “Preparing for Online Learning” Presented by Dr. Muralee Thummarukudy Operations Manager, Crisis Management Branch, United Nations Environment Programme on May 27, 2020
  25. Completed the course in “Biometric Recognitions” had exposed a fast-evolving industry and is prepared to skill up for the future world conducted by Edapt.
  26. Completed the course in “Cyber security” exposed a fast-evolving industry and is prepared to skill up for the future world conducted by Edapt.
  27. Completed the course in “Hacking” had exposed a fast-evolving industry and is prepared to skill up for the future world conducted by Edapt.
  28. Nano Diploma in Cyber security by Edpat.
  29. Successfully completed Faculty Development programme on “Data Analysis & Visualization of Covid-19 Dataset Using Python” on 07-05-2020 organized by Dept of CSE in association with Computational Intelligence Research Foundation (CIRF), Chennai.
  30. Attended four-day National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Impact on AI in Education and Industry Post Covid-19”, held from 11-05-2020 to 14-05-2020 organized by Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College, Pollachi.
  31. Participated in the 5-day online faculty development programme on “Data Science for Next Decade” sponsored by KTU, organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, ToCH Institute of Science & Technology, from 5 to 9 July 2021.
  32. Participated in the webinar on “Energy Efficiency: a climate mitigation strategy on the occasion of ENERGY CONSERVATION DAY 2021 on 14th December 2021 jointly organized by Baselios Mathews Ii College Of Engineering, Kollam and Institution of Engineers (India) Kollam local centre.
  33. Participated in the online Faculty Development Programme on “Green Energy Technologies for Sustainable Development” organized by the EEE Department, SSET from 23/05/2022 to 27/05/2022.
  34. Participated in the Five-Day Faculty Development Program on “Artificial Intelligence” organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Lourdes Matha College of Science and Technology in association with IEDC held from 26th August to 31st August 2022.
  35. Participated in the Online Faculty Development Programme on, “Distributed Computing”, organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering from 30th January 2023 – 1st February 2023.
  36. Participated in 5-day FDP on ‘Harnessing the power of IoT: Exploring its applications’ at Musaliar College of Engineering and Technology – 14 to 21 Aug 2023.
  37. Participated in 5-Day FDP ‘Developments in Renewable Energy Systems and Technologies’ at Musaliar College of Engineering and Technology- from 8th to 12th January 2024.



Workshops Organized:

  1. Workshop on Image processing with MatLab, 5 th & 6th March, 2018 2. Training on Core Java, 11 July 2018 to 18 July 2018.

3.Workshop on Deep Learning Techniques and Tools for Medical Applications, 24th & 25th September 2018.

  1. Workshop on Cloud Computing, 17th February 2019.
  2. FDP on Network Switching and Routing, 23, 24, 25 July 2019.
  3. Technical talk and career development a one-day program on 14 December 2022.



  1. International Journal Publications: Shine Raj G, Anver Muhammed K M “Content Based Effective Searching of Images from Large Data Repository”, IJCSN- International Journal of Computer Science and Network, Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2016 ISSN (Online) : 2277-5420. Shine Raj G, Radhakrishnan B, Anver Muhammed K M “Feature Selection Used for Retreving and to Classifying Images “IJCSN International Journal of Computer Science and Network, Volume 5, Issue 2, April 2016 ISSN (Online) : 2277-5420.


  1. Parvathy S Kumar, Dr. Shine Raj G “Speech Emotion Recognition Using Machine Learning” International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), Volume 9, Issue 6, Year:17-06- 2021, ISSN:2320-2882
  2. Radhakrishnan B, Shine Raj G,Anver Muhammed K.M, ‘Application of Data Mining In Marketing’ IJCSN International Journal of Computer Science and Network, Volume 2, Issue 5, October 2013 ISSN (Online) : 2277-5420.
  3. Radhakrishnan B , Shine Raj G ,Anver Muhammed K.M, ‘Data Mining-General Concepts’, International Journal of Computer Science and Management Research, Vol 2 Issue 10 October 2013 ISSN 2278-733X.


  1. Anver Muhammed.K.M, Radhakrishnan B, Shine Raj G, Jayakrishnan R, ‘Recognizing Character using Bayesian Network in Data Mining’, IJCAT International Journal of Computing and Technology, ISSN : 2348 – 6090.